Justin Rose Fans Are Floating In The Water Outside Of Royal Troon To Try And Will Him To An Open Victory (It's Not Working)

As someone who tried to hedge some stuff with Justin Rose +800 this morning I appreciate this fella. This is how you back your guy. We've seen the weather in Scotland, it's not what I'd describe as warm. They don't care. You get in the ocean or bay, whatever it is technically outside of Royal Troon and you cheer on your golfer. Bring a sign, which 100% will never get ruined by water and you make sure he brings home an Open title. Unfortunately it's not working. Xander is on fire, he's looking the part. He's 2 up on Lawrence, 3 up on Rose. It's not even like Rose is playing bad, he's -2 for the day. He's just not Xander right now. 

This has been an AWESOME tournament though. I'll recap whenever someone wins and I'm sure Danny Rap will have his piece. All I know is this is what a major tournament should be. Guys grinding for pars. Guys hitting ridiculous shots and trying to find a way to stay in the race and then go balls to the wall on Sunday. Xander is doing that right now. But this guy? This guy is trying to will Justin Rose to the title he has talked about what he wants more than anything else. 

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